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Audrey Bell Books

I write new adult and young adult, including CARRY YOUR HEART and LOVE SHOW.

Love this review of LOVE SHOW!

Reblogged from Jessica's Random Book Ramblings:
Love Show - Audrey Bell

4.5 stars!


I really enjoyed this one! It definitely made me laugh with quotes such as


"You look like a troll doll, a fucking demented troll doll."


"They always tell you to do what you love. And I love not working."


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You have college senior Hadley Arrington who is so focused on her future journalism career she doesn't have much of a social life other than hanging with her gay BFF she lives with named David...


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She also has a anti-relationship/love stance based off her mother's multiple marriages and her father being absent in her life.


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You have hottie Jack Diamond who is the lucky guy who Hadley kisses after a dare. He seems to fall head over heels for her. There is just something about Hadley that draws him in....


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They decide to be friends with benefits


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and Hadley and Jack are enjoying those benefits....


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but of course one is going to fall in love...


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And how will that work out since Hadley will be leaving to report in war zones?


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So what will be decided??


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I will say Hadley seemed to drink.....


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ALOT....I mean you are in college but damn....


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The supporting characters were pretty awesome in this book, except for Ben......Ben


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Should you read this book??


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ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.